ABOUT this time last year, I took the plunge and included Asparagus officinalis `Sweet Purple’ on
the list of edibles I planned to grow from seed. Excited by the prospect of
harvesting my own nutty flavoured, deep burgundy spears for the next couple of
decades, I have to admit I was daunted by the patience required to see these
perennial vegetables through their infant years.

As a gardener, the real test of your love of asparagus comes with
the appearance of your first succulent shoots in spring. You mustn’t pick any for at least two years! Giving your
asparagus crown time to build up its root system - three years is usual - in
preparation for its years of productivity ahead, will test your patience, but
the thrill of snapping off a spear which requires nothing but a light steaming
before hitting your plate, will make you glad of your nurturing efforts.

For a decent supply of fresh spears throughout the growing season
plant a dozen crowns per person. This will mean dedicating a good bit of room
(see Step 2 below) to accommodate your asparagus patch and the beautiful drift
of ferny foliage which will develop.
Follow these steps to Grow
Asparagus From Seed. If you can’t muster the patience, plant two year old
male crowns and harvest half of its spears the following spring. By the fourth
spring you can get picking! But remember, never
ever deplete all of the spears in the bed as this will eventually weaken
the root system.
1. Sow seeds in Spring when the soil temperature is around 25C (this can
take up to 21 days, so don’t give up!). Fill a seed tray with a suitable
seed-raising mix and place your seeds in manageable rows, covering them lightly
with 5mm of soil.
2. Transplant seedlings to 45cm apart in furrows about 20cm deep by 30cm wide,
into deep, rich, well drained soil. Any rows should be 1.2m apart. Asparagus
likes neutral or alkaline soil (6.5pH), so adding a touch of lime 3 weeks prior
to planting can help balance any acidity in the bed.
3. Fill in the trench as the seedlings grow taller, taking care to create
enough support for the mass of ferny foliage which will develop up to 1.5m

5. Mulch the bed with composted manure in Winter to feed the crowns ready for
their spear production the following Spring.
6. Harvesting should be avoided for the first 2 years, to allow the crowns to
build up their strength. In the third year, harvest approximately half of the
Named by the Ancient Greeks for it’s spear-shaped shoots, Asparagus officinalis is native to
Central and Western Asia, Europe and North Africa. A known diuretic, long
prized for its delicate nutty flavour, it was cultivated by the Ancient
Egyptians and the Romans who believed it to be the King of Vegetables. To this
day, it is associated with wealth and elegance - especially the white variety
(which is the same plant grown underground without sunlight). It is a cool
climate herbacious perennial which is not suitable for the tropics, but is
ideal for coastal and sandy regions.
Happy Planting
For more information visit us at Four Seasons Nursery, 200 Forest Way Belrose
Happy Planting
For more information visit us at Four Seasons Nursery, 200 Forest Way Belrose
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