Before I begin, an apology; there’s been a bit of a lull in posting the past few months, primarily due to me being overseas - sorry for our absence! We’re back into it now though, and posts will be coming through every second Sunday. Mark your calendars and cancel plans accordingly.
So it’s Christmas again; time to dig out and unravel your tangled mass of fairy lights, then drape the blinking fire hazards all over your home. Time to buy your family gifts they don’t want and you can’t afford. Time to visit the in-laws...
Thank god for the trees!
Nothing looks,

feels or smells like Christmas quite like a freshly cut Christmas tree. Try and be a Grinch standing next to one - it can’t be done. They lift your mood, they create the right atmosphere, they bring excitement to the kids and nostalgia to the grownups.
There are, around the world, a number of tree species used for the honorary role of Christmas Tree, though if you live in Australia chances are you’re using a Radiata Pine (Pinus radiata). These evergreen conifers can reach up to 30m high (and they get there fairly quickly), which is why they’re often planted as wind breaks in rural environments. As every year, we have heaps for sale at
Four Seasons Nursery; we carry a range of sizes, from hatchback-friendly cuties to Jurassic monsters you’ll need a trailer for. Our staff can help you pick the perfect tree for you, as well as answer any questions you may have about caring for it.

Now some of you may feel that the Radiata Pine has become, over the past several decades, a little stale. If you are looking for an interesting alternative then we’ve got the perfect home-grown option; Adenanthos sericeus select, or Albany Woolly Bush. It features feather-soft grey foliage, not unlike a pine’s in appearance, with orange tubular flowers throughout the year. You can keep it trimmed as a tight little shrub or let it stretch out into a 7m tree, thriving in full-sun to part-shade environments. We have a variety of sizes available at
Four Seasons Nursery, though they are moving quickly so you’d better hurry if you want one for the 25
Before I log off, a final Christmas present for you all; launching this year is our brand new website- There you’ll find all kinds of Christmas goodies, including info on our cut trees and other seasonal favourites. Check it out!